Now that you understand what Maj7 and min7 chords are, you're gonna want to apply them to your music. Here are few pointers on using Maj7 and min7 chords.

When you use the IMaj7 chord it is most easily followed by a IV or a IVsus2 chord.
IMaj7 - IV2
try this progression and feel difference between it and just a regular I-IV progression.

When you use a iimin7 chord try following up with a IV, or V chord.
(ii)min7 - IVsus2-IV-V

The (iii)min7 chord often leads to a vi chord or a IV chord. try it out and see which one you'd like to play.
iiimin7 - vimaj7- IV- G

When you get the hand of these progressions you can move on to more involved techniques. Heres a short video of what can be accomplished by learning various types of chords.

The vimin7 chord is usually followed by a V chord.


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